Towards quantum simulation of spin wave modes in quantum dot arrays
Tzu-Kan Hsiao1,2*, Tien-Ho Chang1, Chia-Hao Wei1
1Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu city, Taiwan
2Center for Quantum Science and Technology, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu city, Taiwan
* Presenter:Tzu-Kan Hsiao,
Electrostatically-defined quantum dot arrays are a natural and versatile platform for quantum simulations of Fermi-Hubbard and Heisenberg physics [1]. In particular, the development of control and readout techniques has facilitated simulations of quantum magnetism such as Nagaoka ferromagnetism [2], Heisenberg antiferromagnetic spin chains [3], and resonating valence bond states [4]. Nevertheless, these experiments mainly focus on measuring local spin correlations instead of long-range spin correlation, which can provide more insights.
Here we propose an experiment to study quantized spin wave (magnon) modes, which play an important role in spintronics and quantum information processing [5]. Their long-range spin order makes the spin waves a good candidate for observing long-range spin correlations. We will describe experimental methods for preparing and probing the quantized spin wave modes in accessible quantum dot simulators. The long-range spin order can be confirmed by measuring the spin correlation as a function of distance. Finally, we will report our progress in device fabrication and measurement setup for this project.
[1] Barthelemy, P., et al. Annalen der Physik 525, 808 (2013)
[2] Dehollain, J. P., et al. Nature 579, 528 (2020)
[3] van Diepen, C. J., et al. Phys. Rev. X 11, 041025 (2021)
[4] Wang, C.-A., et al. npj Quantum information, 9, 58 (2023)
[5] Lachance-Quirion, D., et al. Science 367, 425 (2020)
Keywords: Gate-defined quantum dot array, Quantum simulation, Spin wave