Sky Surveys at NCU: Concluding the ZTF and Moving Toward to LSST
Chow-Choong Ngeow1*
1Graduate Institute of Astronomy, National Central University, Taiwan
* Presenter:Chow-Choong Ngeow,
The Graduate Institute of Astronomy at the National Central University (NCU) has been participated in various optical sky surveys in the past, such as the Pan-STARRS1 in about a decade ago, to the recent Zwicky Transients Facility (ZTF). Nevertheless, our participation of ZTF has ended in September 2023 due the end of the ZTF Phase-II operation. We highlight several ZTF science achievements, particularly in the stellar astrophysics, that being led by the NCU team. The next major sky survey project that our institute will be joining is the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), via our in-kind contribution of the Trans-Pacific 2-meter Telescope (TP2m). A relatively small fraction of the TP2m time will be dedicated for LSST follow-ups. We will also present a joined LSST-TP2m project that will be carried out at NCU.
Keywords: Stellar Astrophysics, Optical Sky Surveys, Time-Domain Astronomy