Stabilization of PAN-Based Fiber with a Quasi-Traveling Wave Cavity under Two-Step Microwave Annealing Process
Hung-Chun Hsu1*, Wen-Cheng Huang1, Yen-Ren Chen1, Wei-Min Tu1, Hsien-Wen Chao1, Tsun-Hsu Chang1
1Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
* Presenter:Hung-Chun Hsu,
This work proposes a new microwave cavity and processing conditions for stabilizing PAN-based fiber. This microwave cavity allows the electromagnetic field to propagate like a quasi-traveling wave, avoiding the nodes of standing waves, ensuring uniform thermal distribution, and enlarging the heating zone. With this cavity, the PAN-based precursor undergoes thermal stabilization through a two-step process, which only takes 13 minutes in total, compared to the common process that typically takes about 80 to 120 minutes. The fibers are characterized using Raman spectroscopy (RS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and dielectric constant measurements. The results indicate that the T273 fiber almost achieves the standard of commercial stabilization fiber.
Keywords: Microwave, Quasi-Traveling Wave Cavity, Stabilization, PAN, Carbon Fiber