Dust dynamics in non-isothermal gas with application to planetesimal formation
Min-Kai Lin1,2*, Marius Lehmann1
1Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
2Physics Division, National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan
* Presenter:Min-Kai Lin, email:mklin@asiaa.sinica.edu.tw
The dynamic interaction between dust and gas in protoplanetary disks plays a critical role in the formation of planetesimals --- the building blocks of planets. However, most studies of dust-gas dynamics approximate the gas as isothermal. To this end, we develop models of dust interacting with non-isothermal gas. Using linear stability analyses and nonlinear numerical simulations, we explore 1) how well-known dust-gas instabilities are affected by heating and cooling, 2) how previously identified gaseous instabilities are affected by dust, and 3) novel instabilities unique to dusty, non-isothermal gas. We briefly discuss the implications of our results for planet formation and evolution.
Keywords: planet formation, protoplanetary disks, hydrodynamics, instabilities, dust