Impacts of Kaluza-Klein Axion-Photon Conversion on the Detection of Gamma-Ray Burst GRB221009A
Janus Aban1*, Chuan-Ren Chen1, Yuan-Feng Hsieh1, Chrisna Setyo Nugroho1
1Physics, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan
* Presenter:Janus Aban,
The gamma-ray burst GRB221009A was a very rare event that occurred in October 2022. It involved the release of highly energetic photons from an astronomical source, which were detected by various experimental collaborations such as Fermi GBM, Carpet-2, and LHAASO. Notably, LHAASO detected photons at the 10 TeV scale. This work demonstrates that observations of high-energy photons can be explained by the presence of Kaluza-Klein axions. The mechanism involves three stages. Initially, with the help of an external magnetic field, the photons from the source are converted into Kaluza-Klein axions, which can traverse vast cosmological distances unimpeded. Subsequently, the axions reach the Milky Way galaxy and undergo reconversion into photons, leading to the observation of highly energetic photons. Consequently, for efficient conversions, the size of the extra dimension R cannot be arbitrarily small. For example, R greater than 0.4 micrometer would favor the abundant detection of 10 TeV scale photons with ten Kaluza-Klein modes.
Keywords: axion-photon conversion, gamma-ray burst GRB221009A, Kaluza-Klein axions, extra dimension, high-energy photons