Enhanced superconductivity in Al nanofilms grown by molecular beam epitaxy
Chi-Te Liang1,2*, Sheng-Di Lin3, Christos Panagopoulos4
1Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2CQSE, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
3Institute of Electronics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
4Division of Physics and Applied Physics, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
* Presenter:Chi-Te Liang, email:ctliang@phys.ntu.edu.tw
Superconducting properties of thin films can be vastly different from those of bulk materials. Seminal work has shown the critical temperature Tc of elemental superconductors decreases with decreasing film thickness when the normal-state sheet resistance is lower than the quantum resistance h/(4e2). Sporadic examples on disordered films, however, hinted an enhancement in Tc although, structural and strain characterization was not possible since samples were prepared on a cold substrate in situ. To clarify the role of reduced dimensionality and disorder on the superconducting properties of thin films we employed MBE to grow high-quality aluminium (Al) nanofilms with normal-state sheet resistance at least 20 times lower than the quantum resistance h/(4e2) and investigated their electronic and structural properties ex situ. Defying general expectations, Tc increases with decreasing Al film thickness, reaching 2.4 K for 3.5-nm-thick Al film grown on GaAs: twice that of bulk Al (1.2 K). DFT calculations indicate surface phonon softening impacts superconductivity in pure ultra-thin films, offering a new route for materials engineering in two dimensions. This work was done in collaboration with Ching-Chen Yeh, Thi-Hien Do, Pin-Chi Liao, Chia-Hung Hsu, Yi-Hsin Tu, Hsin Lin, T.-R. Chang, Siang-Chi Wang, Yu-Yao Gao, Yu An Lai, Yu-Hsun Wu, Chu-Chun Wu, and Ivar Martin.
Keywords: Aluminium, Superconductivity, MBE, Nanofilms, Substrate effects