Field-induced transformation of ellipsoidal cycloidal to conical spin order and coupled magnetodielectric effect in a triangular antiferromagnet MnGeTeO6
Yu-Hao Chang1*, Arkadeb Pal1, Tsung-Wen Yen1, Chin-Wei Wang2, Meng-Jung Hsieh3, Jiunn-Yuan Lin3,4, Chi-Yi Huang1, Yi-Jing Chen1, Ting-Wei Kuo1, Ajay Tiwari1, D. Chandrasekhar Kakarla1, Hung-Duen Yang1,5
1物理系, 國立中山大學, 高雄市, Taiwan
2中子小組, 國家同步輻射研究中心, 新竹, Taiwan
3物理系, 國立陽明交通大學, 新竹, Taiwan
4新世代功能性物質研究中心, 國立陽明交通大學, 新竹, Taiwan
5晶體中心, 國立中山大學, 高雄市, Taiwan
* Presenter:Yu-Hao Chang,
Triangular antiferromagnetic systems are well-known for exhibiting fascinating and exotic magnetic properties, which are often intertwined with other intriguing phenomena. Here, we report comprehensive magnetic and dielectric property studies on a layered triangular lattice antiferromagnet MnGeTeO6, which is polar in nature. The bulk magnetization and specific heat studies suggested that the present system undergoes a long-range antiferromagnetic transition below TN ~ 9.5 K, which was further validated by the neutron powder diffraction (NPD) study. The NPD data analysis yielded an incommensurate ellipsoidal cycloidal spin structure with a propagation vector k = (0.33, 0.359, 0.18) in the absence of a magnetic field. Interestingly, a field-induced metamagnetic transition in the isothermal magnetization (M) curve was observed near a critical magnetic field of Hc ~ 1.2 T, which was associated with a spin structure change from ellipsoidal cycloidal to a conical spin order as evidenced by field-dependent NPD measurements. Moreover, a pronounced dielectric anomaly was observed near TN, which was largely suppressed under a magnetic field, thus demonstrating a clear magnetodielectric effect. The magnetic field variation of dielectric constant (ε') closely followed Δε'∝M^2 scaling behavior, thus indicating a higher-order magnetoelectric coupling.
Keywords: Magnetoelectric coupling, Frustrated triangular lattice, Conical and spiral spin texture