Quantum Phases and Quench Dynamics in the Dipolar Bose-Hubbard Model
Hyun-Yong Lee1*
1Department of Applied Physics, Korea University, Sejong, Korea
* Presenter:Hyun-Yong Lee, email:hyunyong@korea.ac.kr
In the realm of ultracold atomic gases, the exploration of quantum phase transitions and the out-of-equilibrium dynamics opens a window into the understanding of fundamental quantum states. The present study delves into the intricate landscapes of quantum phases and quench dynamics within the framework of the Dipolar Bose-Hubbard Model (DBHM), an exemplary model that considers particles conserving the total particle numbers and the center of mass (or total dipole moment) of the system. This research highlights the role played by the dipole-moment-conserving kinematics and interactions in the emergence of exotic quantum phases.
Keywords: Cold Atom, DMRG, TDVP, Tensor Network, Quench Dynamics