Stitching the correlated phenomena in epitaxial manganite homostructures
Yao-Wen Chang1*, Yu-Chen Liu1, Shih-Wen Huang2, Jia-Yuan Sun3, Sheng-Zhu Ho1, Chun-Chien Chiu1, Yu-An Chen1, Tim A. Butcher2, Ludmila Leroy2, Cinthia Piamonteze2, Armin Kleibert2, Yi-Chun Chen1, Wen-Yen Tzeng3, Chun-Fu Chang4,5, Chih-Wei Luo3, Chang-Yang Kuo3, Jan-Chi Yang1,6
1Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan
2Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
3Department of Electrophysics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan
4Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Max-Planck Institute, Dresden 01187, Germany
5National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu 30076, Taiwan
6Center for Quantum Frontiers of Research & Technology (QFort), National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan
* Presenter:Yao-Wen Chang,
The demand for high-efficiency electronic devices and the development of transition metal dichalcogenide have given rise to the emerge of homostructure with promising potential. While 2D materials demonstrated vertical stacking and played a crucial role in various fields, lateral homostructures remain underdeveloped. Magnetic properties and spin transportation have mostly been discussed in thin film structured vertically. With freestanding complex oxide thin films, fabrication of lateral homostructures becomes much easier. La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO), as a correlated material, has gained attention due to its entangled phenomena. The magnetotransport properties and potential for strain engineering makes LSMO a strong candidate for further exploration. Along the concept of homostructure, weave epitaxy sets up a new approach for strain manipulation. The combination of freestanding thin film and weave epitaxy allows us to create regions with different orientations and strain states. This study of synthesizing LSMO thin film could be the first of its kind for lateral strain engineering homostructure, and the artificially controllable ferromagnetic/metal behavior paves a platform for advanced research in spintronics.
Keywords: Complex Oxide, Homostructure, La0.7Sr0.3MnO3, Freestanding, Strain engineering