epitaxial and amorphous Al₂O₃ films on α-Ta(110)/a-plane sapphire for superconducting resonators
Yi-Ting Cheng1,2*, Hsien-Wen Wan1, Chao-Kai Cheng1, Ko-Hsuan Mandy Chen2, Jui-Min Chia2, Chia-Hung Hsu3, Yen-Hsiang Lin2, Jueinai Kwo2, Minghwei Hong1
1Graduate Institute of Applied Physics and Dept. of Phys., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
3National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Hsinchu, Taiwan
* Presenter:Yi-Ting Cheng, email:ytcheng@phys.nthu.edu.tw
For building high-performance superconducting qubits and supportive circuits like a high-Q microwave resonator, we need to precisely control material properties in film crystallinity, hetero-interfaces, and capped oxide layer. Ta superconducting films are usually exposed to air, inevitably forming a native oxide layer, which may enhance energy relaxation channels such as two-level systems (TLS) for superconducting circuits. Here, the growth of deposited-oxide/α-Ta films on a-plane sapphire substrates was achieved in a multi-chamber UHV system. The research aims to investigate the microwave properties of the in-situ deposited heterostructures to understand dielectric losses in superconducting quantum circuits. α-Ta films 35 nm in thickness grew epitaxially in (110) orientation on a-plane sapphire substrates, followed by in-situ growth of epitaxial and amorphous Al₂O₃ films. The presence of Pendellösung fringes indicates a high degree of structural coherence over the entire film thickness. The Ta film has a critical temperature of 4.29 K and a high residual resistance ratio of 11 for a-Al₂O₃/Ta and 16 for epi-Al₂O₃/Ta, further confirming the high quality of the Ta films. The interface, as measured with transmission electron microscopy, differs between a-Al₂O₃/Ta and epi-Al₂O₃/Ta.
The support from the Natl. Sci. Technol. Council in Taiwan through NSTC 112-2119-M-007-009 and 112-2811-M-007-056 is acknowledged.
Keywords: Ta, in-situ growth, epitaxial oxide