Quantum many-body scars and their dynamics in the U(1) lattice gauge theory
Tao-Lin Tan1*, Yi-Ping Huang1
1Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
* Presenter:Tao-Lin Tan, email:tanlin2013@gmail.com
Comprehending the fundamental theory of preventing thermalization is pivotal for practical quantum device development. In this work, we expand upon prior research on quantum many-body scars, quantum many-body states that violate thermalization hypothesis, in the U(1) quantum link and quantum dimer models. By employing a graphical representation of the basis, we extend the analytical expressions for specific scars to encompass a broader family of such scars. As for the dynamics of these scars, we conduct numerical tests to evaluate their robustness in the presence of noise, alongside the investigation of other long-time physics. Further understanding of these scar states has the potential to provide insights into the broader context of thermalization.
Keywords: Quantum many-body scars, Thermalization, Hilbert space fragmentation