1. 25 /January /2024 (Thu.) | 新興能源科學 Emerging Energy Science | 9:00-10:30 Chair:董崇禮 教學研究綜合大樓 二樓 TR-A204教室 Teaching & Research Building (2F) Room TR-A204 13:30~15:00 Chair:林彥谷 教學研究綜合大樓 二樓 TR-A204教室 Teaching & Research Building (2F) Room TR-A204 | 董崇禮 (淡江大學 物理學系) Chung-Li Dong ( Department of Physics, Tamkang University ) 林彥谷 (國家同步輻射 研究中心) Yan-Gu Lin ( National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center ) | 聯合國氣候變遷大會COP為對全球氣候政策有重大影響力之年度會議。COP3的京都議定書首次針對溫室氣體定出減量目標, COP21巴黎協定更具體訂定將全球升溫控制在攝氏1.5度內。該協定於2016年正式成為具法律約束力的國際條約。然而,COP27發現各國減碳目標野心不足,俄烏戰爭導致的能源危機,減碳計畫衍生新變數。COP27首重重申實踐巴黎協定目標。另外,歐盟已宣布2027年將徵收碳稅,美、日、韓等也積極研擬中。台灣雖非COP的締約國,但亦加入全球2050年淨零排放的行列,在氣候、外交、乃至供應鏈的需求壓力下,應更積極減碳,跟上國際能源技術最新發展、能源轉型、淨零排放的趨勢。政府已規畫2050年綠能占60%以上,但迄今仍不到10%。如何加速綠能發展儼然成為重要議題。「新興能源科學」論壇將著重各種新興綠色能源與技術,涵蓋氫能、太陽能、人工光合作用、奈米催化、儲能二次電池及超電容、熱電等能源材料。透過跨領域之科學研究交流,整合技術發展,盼能加速國內能源科技發展以積極具體行動調整能源結構因應氣候,早日達到淨零排放目標。 |
2. 26 /January /2024 (Fri.) | 多體系統以及先進數值方法 Many-body systems and advanced numerical methods | 09:00-10:30 Chair:鍾佳民 國鼎光電大樓 一樓 IL-113教室 Kwoh-Ting Optoelectronics Building (1F) Room IL-113 11:00-12:00 Chair:鍾佳民 國鼎光電大樓 一樓 IL-113教室 Kwoh-Ting Optoelectronics Building (1F) Room IL-113 14:00-15:30 Chair:鍾佳民 國鼎光電大樓 一樓 IL-113教室 Kwoh-Ting Optoelectronics Building (1F) Room IL-113 | 黃一平 Yi-Ping Huang (國立清華大學 物理系) ( Department of Physics, National Tsing-Hua University)/ 鍾佳民 Chia-Min Chung (國立中山大學 物理系) ( Department of Physics, National Sun Yat-sen University)/ 李宗翰 Tsung-Han Lee (國立中正大學 物理學系) ( Department of Physics, National Chung Cheng University) | Quantum many-body systems have very interesting properties due to the correlations but also theoretically very challenging to study due to the exponentially growing of Hilbert space. The important systems include but not limited to correlated electrons and superconductivity, quantum spin liquid states, topological protected states or topological order. Since mean-field theory and perturbation typically fail in this region, computational methods have become key tools in understanding these systems. Therefore developing new numerical techniques is a crucial part in this research field. In this Topical Symposia we invite several speakers who are expert of numerical techniques including tensor network, quantum Monte Carlo, and dynamical mean-field theory. They will introduce frontier researches about the new methods and the new applications to the corresponding systems. |