得獎者請務必親自出席領獎。閉幕典禮與頒獎將於2024年1月26日16:00~17:30 假 國立中央大學大禮堂舉行。


Paper Title
第02組 (SOE半導體/光電 Semiconductors/Optoelectronics)B4-OAS-005國立臺灣師範大學物理學系Ye Ru Chen陳燁儒Unveiling Mechanisms of Photocurrent Induced by Orbital Angular Momentum of Light in MoS₂ Transistors博士生
(PhD Student)
第05組 (OP光學 Optics and Photonics)E4-OAS-005國立中正大學PhysicsThanh-Thu Le-Vu黎武清書Reduction of the Threshold Photon Avalanche Up-Conversion Nanoparticles by Low Refractive Index Resonance Waveguide Grating博士生
(PhD Student)
第11組 (PP電漿物理 Plasma Physics)K4-OAS-002國立清華大學PhysicsTien-Fu Yang楊添福TE and TM Mode Competition in Subterahertz Gyrotron Using Axis-encircling Electron Beam博士生
(PhD Student)


Paper Title
第01組 (SL表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional Physics)A4-OAS-004國立成功大學PhysicsSheng-Zhu Ho何勝竹Direct Visualization of Antiferroelectric Domain by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy博士生
(PhD Student)
第02組 (SOE半導體/光電 Semiconductors/Optoelectronics)B4-OAS-002國立清華大學材料科學與工程學系Yong Jyun Wang王詠鈞Ferroelectric Modulation of Epitaxial Bi2O2Se Film博士生
(PhD Student)
第03組 (MSP磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin Physics)C4-OAS-001國立臺灣大學材料科學與工程學系/研究所Yu-Hao Huang黃宇豪Tuning Interlayer Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction through Azimuthal symmetry engineering博士生
(PhD Student)
第04組 (SC超導/強關聯/量子材料 Superconductivity/Strongly Correlated Systems/Quantum Materials)D4-OAS-002國立成功大學PhysicsYuehTing Yao姚岳廷Atomic Scale Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Monolayer Graphene/MBT Heterostructure碩士生
(Master Student)
第05組 (OP光學 Optics and Photonics)E4-OAS-002國立臺灣大學光電所Ai-Yin Liu劉艾音Enhanced Third Harmonic Generation in All-Dielectric Nanostructures through Generalized Kerker Condition博士生
(PhD Student)
第06組 (BPI生物物理/生物影像技術 Biological Physics and Bio-Imaging)F4-OAS-003國立東華大學PhysicsRajakar Selvam Non-Covalently bound Fe doped nanodiamond - Glucose oxidase for synergetic starvation/photo-chemodynamic therapy and multimodal fluorescence imaging博士生
(PhD Student)
第07組 (BPI生物物理/生物影像技術 Biological Physics and Bio-Imaging - SM軟物質/統計力學 Soft Matter and Statistical Mechanics)G4-OAS-001國立陽明交通大學電子物理系Chin-Chun Wang王靖淳Topological Defect Dipole alignment in Nematic Liquid Crystal Cell with Porous Electrode碩士生
(Master Student)
第08組 (QI量子資訊與量子計算 Quantum Information and Quantum Computing)H4-OAS-001國立中央大學physicsKai-I Chu朱凱翊Slow and stored light via electromagnetically induced transparency using a single superconducting artificial atom博士生
(PhD Student)
第09組 (PF粒子與場 Particles and Fields)I4-OAS-004國立臺灣大學物理學系Wei-Hsiang Shao邵暐翔A Stringy Effect on Hawking Radiation博士生
(PhD Student)
第10組 (AG天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics,Gravity and Cosmology)J4-OAS-002國立清華大學Institute of AstronomyYen-Hsing Lin林彥興Odd radio circles as cosmic-ray dominated AGN jet-inflated bubbles博士生
(PhD Student)
第11組 (PP電漿物理 Plasma Physics)K4-OAS-003國立臺灣大學物理學系Li-chung Liu劉立中Effects of polarization-charge shielding and electromagnetic resonances on water behavior under microwave heating博士後研究員
(Postdoctoral Fellow)
第12組 (AI加速器/儀器發展 Accelerator Physics/ Instrumentation Development)L4-OAS-003國立清華大學Institute of Nuclear Engineering and ScienceTzu-Hsiang Lin林子翔Development of a time-of-flight spectrometer system for 30-MeV cyclotron-based quasi-monoenergetic neutron beam博士生
(PhD Student)
第13組 (AM原子/分子 Atomic and Molecular Physics)M4-OAS-001國立中山大學物理學系Chi-En Wu吳祁恩Achieving giant Rydberg blockade radii via Förster resonance碩士生
(Master Student)


Paper Title
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics,Gravity and CosmologyP2-AG-003國立清華大學PhysicsYu-An Chen陳俞安Using AKARI to find the mysterious Planet 9碩士生
(Master Student)
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics,Gravity and CosmologyP2-AG-004國立清華大學Institute of AstronomyTerry Long Phan藩玉龍A Search For Planet 9 With Far-Infrared All-Sky Surveys Data博士生
(PhD Student)
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics,Gravity and CosmologyP2-AG-006國立臺灣師範大學地球科學系Hsien Ju Tsai蔡顯如ALMA Observations of the Chemical Composition of Ceres’ Exosphere碩士生
(Master Student)
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics,Gravity and CosmologyP2-AG-021中央研究院Institute of PhysicsHeng-Hao Chen陳恒皓Linear instability analysis of collective neutrino oscillations under turbulent media fluctuation研究助理
(Research Assistant)
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics,Gravity and CosmologyP2-AG-023The Australian National UniversityResearch School of Astronomy and AstrophysicsChien-Chang Ho何建璋New Results of the Giant Pulse Detections from J1823-3021A Observed with the MeerKAT UHF band博士生
(PhD Student)
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics,Gravity and CosmologyP2-AG-042國立中央大學Institute of AstronomyTanvi Sharma謝天葦Water beraing Brown Dwarfs in Rho-Oph/L1688博士生
(PhD Student)
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics,Gravity and CosmologyP2-AG-058國立東華大學物理學系Shao-Chen Ho何紹宸Throat effects on inner-most stable spherical orbits and time-like geodesics in Kerr-like wormholes大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics,Gravity and CosmologyP2-AG-068國立清華大學Institute of AstronomySiou Yu Chang張修瑜Characterizing the Low Surface Brightness structures of galaxies in the DESI Legacy Imaging Survey碩士生
(Master Student)
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics,Gravity and CosmologyP2-AG-072國立中央大學Department of physicsLi-Ying Chou周立穎High-frequency Scalar Gravitational Waves in the Cosmology Driven by Minimally Coupled Scalar Field碩士生
(Master Student)
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics,Gravity and CosmologyP2-AG-075國立清華大學Dept. of Physics, Institute of AstronomyIshika Palit Cold Chaotic Accretion and the Low Luminosity AGN in M87.博士後研究員
(Postdoctoral Fellow)
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics,Gravity and CosmologyP2-AG-077國立清華大學Institute of AstronomyYee Xuan Jane Yap Time varying radio polarization induced by hadronic flares in AGN jets博士生
(PhD Student)
AM-原子/分子 Atomic and Molecular PhysicsP1-AM-006國立中山大學PhysicsYu-Chi Chen陳祐綺Ultra-Low-Frequency Electric Field Measurements Based on Thermal Rydberg Atoms博士生
(PhD Student)
AM-原子/分子 Atomic and Molecular PhysicsP1-AM-014國立臺灣大學PhysicsCheng-Hsuan Chien簡成軒Generating scalable graph states in an atom-nanophotonic interface大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
BPI-生物物理/生物影像技術 Biological Physics and Bio-ImagingP2-BPI-005國立陽明交通大學Institute of PhysicsZhe-Xuan Liu劉哲玄Inferring equations governing cell signaling dynamic from fluorescence data碩士生
(Master Student)
BPI-生物物理/生物影像技術 Biological Physics and Bio-ImagingP2-BPI-008國立臺灣大學PhysicsDong-Han Li李東翰Neuron-scale Brain Entropy and Consciousness in Drosophila碩士生
(Master Student)
BPI-生物物理/生物影像技術 Biological Physics and Bio-ImagingP2-BPI-010中央研究院PhysicsYu-Jung Su蘇昱融Spherical microwells promote adipogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells研究助理
(Research Assistant)
BPI-生物物理/生物影像技術 Biological Physics and Bio-ImagingP2-BPI-022中央研究院Research center for applied sciencesYu Chiu Kao高于媝Response of Human Neuroblastoma Cells to Red Light Stimulation in 3D Culture博士後研究員
(Postdoctoral Fellow)
BPI-生物物理/生物影像技術 Biological Physics and Bio-ImagingP2-BPI-032中央研究院原子與分子科學研究所Chih-Chen Liu劉芷辰Enhanced 3D particle tracking by using spiral phase interferometric scattering microscopy and deep learning 大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
EES-新興能源科學 Topical Symposia:Emerging Energy ScienceP2-EES-006淡江大學物理系光電組WenJun Chen陳玟君In-situ investigation of the effect of the ferromagnetic properties on the hydrogen catalysis and storage in Ni/rGO systems大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
EES-新興能源科學 Topical Symposia:Emerging Energy ScienceP2-EES-008淡江大學物理學系Zong-Jhe Hsieh謝宗哲Controllable lattice and chemical structure of large-scale graphene oxide and oxygen evolution reaction of reduced graphene oxide碩士生
(Master Student)
EES-新興能源科學 Topical Symposia:Emerging Energy ScienceP2-EES-015中原大學物理學系Yi-Chun Huang黃羿竣Improved Photovoltaic Performance of Un-doped FAPbI3 Solar Cells via Manipulating Molecular Packing Structure of PCBM 大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
PF-粒子與場 Particles and FieldsP1-PF-003國立中央大學物理系Han-Wen Liu劉瀚文Axion Haloscope Detection: Calibration with Hot Cavity and Speed up Theorem with Injecting a Signal碩士生
(Master Student)
PF-粒子與場 Particles and FieldsP1-PF-018國立中央大學物理系Cheng-Wei Shih施承瑋The Intermediate Silicon Tracker of sPHENIX博士生
(PhD Student)
PF-粒子與場 Particles and FieldsP1-PF-020國立中央大學物理學系Shao-Yang Lu呂紹揚Constructing a prototype using LYSO crystals for the electromagnetic calorimeter for the ZDC at ePIC大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
PP-電漿物理 Plasma PhysicsP2-PP-009國立中央大學PhysicsChen-Pin Chang張辰彬Numerical Study of Neutral Hydrogen Beam Production Based on Charge Exchange Reactions碩士生
(Master Student)
PP-電漿物理 Plasma PhysicsP2-PP-010國立清華大學物理系YAN CHENG CHEN陳彥呈Microwave-Based Oxidation Process for Carbon Fiber碩士生
(Master Student)
PP-電漿物理 Plasma PhysicsP2-PP-019國立清華大學PhysicsChia Chuan Chang張家銓Investigation of structural effect on reflective-type gyrotron博士生
(PhD Student)
QI-量子資訊與量子計算 Quantum Information and Quantum ComputingP1-QI-007國立臺灣大學物理學系Cheng-Lin Lee李承霖Squeezed Environment Engineering for Qubits via Bosonic Dissipation in Quantum Rabi Model碩士生
(Master Student)
QI-量子資訊與量子計算 Quantum Information and Quantum ComputingP1-QI-019國立中央大學physicsKai-I Chu朱凱翊Multimode microwave memory based on electromagnetically induced transparency in a superconducting quantum circuit博士生
(PhD Student)
QI-量子資訊與量子計算 Quantum Information and Quantum ComputingP1-QI-023國立清華大學量子科技暨尖端材料博士學位學程WEI-CHEN LIN林威辰Fabrication of wafer size Fluxonium and all-to all Transmon superconducting quantum circuits博士生
(PhD Student)
SM-軟物質/統計力學 Soft Matter and Statistical MechanicsP1-SM-008國立臺灣大學應用力學研究所Hsiang-Wei Chuang莊翔崴Dual Control of Surface Conductivity and Wettability by Direct-Write Transformations on PDMS Composites.碩士生
(Master Student)
SM-軟物質/統計力學 Soft Matter and Statistical MechanicsP1-SM-018國立中央大學PhysicsWei-Shuo Lo羅偉碩Vortical acoustic waves in 2D Yukawa solids碩士生
(Master Student)
SM-軟物質/統計力學 Soft Matter and Statistical MechanicsP1-SM-021國立中央大學PhysicsYen Chiu邱雁Dynamics of monolayer swarming bacteria with different aspect ratios碩士生
(Master Student)


Paper Title
AI-加速器/儀器發展 Accelerator Physics/ Instrumentation DevelopmentP2-AI-002國立中央大學物理學系C.H. Huang黃家姮Linearly-Ramped Current Profile Generated Using Dogleg Bunch Compressor at NSRRC碩士生
(Master Student)
AI-加速器/儀器發展 Accelerator Physics/ Instrumentation DevelopmentP2-AI-003國立中央大學物理研究所Yu-Siang Xiao蕭宇翔Latest Progress and Results of Muography Imaging Experiment in Taiwan, and Subsequent Upgrades碩士生
(Master Student)
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin PhysicsP2-MSP-003國立彰化師範大學物理系Bo-Xiang Liao廖柏翔Effects of Bi atomic layer capping on antiferromagnet-induced perpendicular magnetic anisotropy碩士生
(Master Student)
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin PhysicsP2-MSP-015國立臺灣大學物理系En-Pei Liu劉恩沛Magnetic Properties of Geometric-Frustrated Double Perovskite (Hg/Ca)2MnTeO6博士生
(PhD Student)
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin PhysicsP2-MSP-017國立陽明交通大學電子物理系Liang-Chi Chin晉良奇Correlation of coherent phonon generation and magnetic ordering in spinel MnCr2O4碩士生
(Master Student)
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin PhysicsP2-MSP-026國立彰化師範大學physicsCHI-HSUN CHEN陳祈勳Investigating the impact of Stanene on the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of hydrogenated Fe/Cu(111)大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin PhysicsP2-MSP-031國立臺灣大學PhysicsYu-Chun Wang王裕鈞Spin-to-Charge Convention via Inverse Altermagnetic Spin-Splitting Effect in RuO₂博士生
(PhD Student)
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin PhysicsP2-MSP-059國立臺灣師範大學物理學系Chih-Yu Chang張芷郁Electrical and Magneto-Optical Properties of Gd- and Ho-doped ZnO Thin Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition碩士生
(Master Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP1-OP-001國立陽明交通大學光電工程研究所Yi-Che Liu劉以徹Optical Nonlinearity of Ultrathin TiN and Ti1-xAlxN Films碩士生
(Master Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP1-OP-005國立聯合大學Department of Electro Optical EngineeringLin-Xsuan Tsai蔡林玄Mid-infrared donut beam generation in intracavity optical parametric oscillator.碩士生
(Master Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP1-OP-018國立臺灣大學物理學系Zi-Ting Lin林子婷Nonlinear Scattering of a Single Crystalline Silicon Nanoparticle Based on Plasmonic Resonance in Deep Ultraviolet Region碩士生
(Master Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP1-OP-024國立臺灣大學物理學系You Cheng Zhong鍾祐誠Efficient unidirectional coupler for surface plasmon polaritons fabricated by modified interference lithography大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP1-OP-029國立成功大學Department of photonicShao-Zhi Wu吳紹志Up-conversion Luminescence via Phonon-Mediated Pathways in 2D PEA2PbI4 Perovskite碩士生
(Master Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP1-OP-033國立陽明交通大學光電工程研究所WEI-CHENG CHENG鄭偉成The effect of freeform wavefront modulation in liquid crystal lens: beyond the power law博士生
(PhD Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP1-OP-036國立臺灣大學PhysicsYu-An Chen陳俞安Interesting Resolution Enhancement of Si₃N₄ Nanowires碩士生
(Master Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP1-OP-054國立臺灣師範大學Institude and Undergraduate Program Electro-Optical EngineeringYou-Ren Chen陳宥任Terahertz Metamaterial Gas Sensor Base on ZnO/V-MOF碩士生
(Master Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP1-OP-058國立臺灣大學物理學研究所Chia Ling Tsao曹嘉玲Enhancing 3D Optical Yagi-Uda Nanoantenna Arrays via Nanospherical-Lens Lithography博士生
(PhD Student)
SC-超導/強關聯/量子材料 Superconductivity/Strongly Correlated Systems/Quantum MaterialsP1-SC-001國立成功大學關鍵材料碩士學程Hsiang-Yu Lee李翔宇Nuclear magnetic resonance study of van der Waals compound of CuCrP2S6碩士生
(Master Student)
SC-超導/強關聯/量子材料 Superconductivity/Strongly Correlated Systems/Quantum MaterialsP1-SC-006國立清華大學物理系Pei-Tze Chen陳霈澤Structural analysis of topological insulator (Bi, Sb)₂Te₃ grown on in-situ and ex-situ transferred ferrimagnetic insulator europium iron garnets碩士生
(Master Student)
SC-超導/強關聯/量子材料 Superconductivity/Strongly Correlated Systems/Quantum MaterialsP1-SC-008國立陽明交通大學PhysicsYen Chieh Lee李彥頡Temperature-dependent ultrafast dynamics of Magnetic Weyl Semimetal EuCd₂Sb₂ Single Crystals碩士生
(Master Student)
SC-超導/強關聯/量子材料 Superconductivity/Strongly Correlated Systems/Quantum MaterialsP1-SC-009中央研究院物理研究所Yi-Chen Tsai蔡宜臻Proximity-induced superconductivity in Td-MoTe2 Weyl semimetal.博士生
(PhD Student)
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional PhysicsP2-SL-004國家同步輻射研究中心奈米科學小組Heng-Wen Wei魏恒文Momentum microscopy study of WSe₂ flakes cultivated on quasi-free-standing epitaxial graphene with an area-selective focus研究助理
(Research Assistant)
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional PhysicsP2-SL-005國立中央大學物理學系Yu-Sheng Tseng曾宥勝DFT-Based Spin-Orbit Torque Calculation in Two-Dimensional Cr₃Te₄/ZrTe₂ Magnetic Heterostructure碩士生
(Master Student)
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional PhysicsP2-SL-022國立陽明交通大學Department of ElectrophysicsChao-Yang Chu儲昭揚Oxygen incorporated WS2 characterization and electrical transport properties碩士生
(Master Student)
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional PhysicsP2-SL-046國立臺灣師範大學PhysicsZi Qi Liu劉子齊Hydrogen-mediated Spin-dependent transport behavior in Fe40Pd60 alloy thin film 碩士生
(Master Student)
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional PhysicsP2-SL-050國立中山大學PhysicsYen Cheng Pai白宴丞STM Analysis of PtSe2 Phase Synthesis via Selenization on Pt(111)碩士生
(Master Student)
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional PhysicsP2-SL-063國立臺灣大學分子科學與技術國際研究生博士學位學程Chih-Yang Huang黃至揚Ambient-Pressure X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Adsorbate-Induced Band Bending and Photocatalytic Intermediates in CO 2 Reduction Reaction博士生
(PhD Student)
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional PhysicsP2-SL-064國立陽明交通大學材料科學與工程學系Wei Chen Hung洪唯晨Ferroelectric Tunneling Junctions (FTJs) Based on Yttrium Doped Hafnium Dioxide (YHO)碩士生
(Master Student)
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional PhysicsP2-SL-070國立陽明交通大學ElectrophysicsYen-Ling Hsu許延齡Visualizing moiré potentials in transition metal dichalcogenide bilayers by atomic force microscopy and Kelvin probe force microscopy碩士生
(Master Student)
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional PhysicsP2-SL-072國立成功大學PhysicsChun-Han Tseng曾俊翰Fermi Arc Induced Large Berry Curvature Dipole in Chiral Weyl Semimetal CoSi碩士生
(Master Student)
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional PhysicsP2-SL-077國立陽明交通大學材料系YONG CHI SU蘇雍琦Polar orthorhombic phase stabilization of Hf½Zr½O₂ by inserting seed layer of HfO₂ and ZrO₂ 碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP1-SOE-012國立臺灣大學Department of PhysicsTing-Hsuan Wu吳亭萱Ultrafast Dynamics of In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Excitons in InSe博士生
(PhD Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP1-SOE-014國立臺灣科技大學Graduate Institute of Applied Science and TechnologyHemanth Kumar Bangolla Electrical and Optoelectronic Anisotropy and Surface Electron Accumulation in ReS2 Nanostructures博士後研究員
(Postdoctoral Fellow)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP1-SOE-030國立臺灣科技大學應用科技研究所C. H. Yao ( 姚君翰 )姚君翰Ultrabroad-band Zero-biased High-Speed Photodetector Based on Dirac Semimetal Cd3As2 and Silicon Heterostructures碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP1-SOE-036國立清華大學物理學系Huan-Li Meng孟萑俐Electrical tuning of excitons in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP1-SOE-045國立清華大學Material Science and EngineeringBushra Rehman Enhancing the performance of WS2 -based devices using semi-metal contacts and laser annealing博士生
(PhD Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP1-SOE-046國立臺灣大學奈米工程與科學Kai-Wei Tseng曾楷崴High Performance of Top-gated MoS2 Field Effect Transistor Enabled by van der Waals High-k Dielectric Material碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP1-SOE-047國立臺灣大學應用物理學研究所Feng-Yang Tsai蔡峰洋Polarization Sensitive Photoresponse in a Gap-Plasmon-Enhanced NbN Superconducting Photon Detector碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP1-SOE-052中央研究院物理研究所Zi-Yi Li李資怡Femtosecond Pulse Laser Thinning of Tin Selenide Flake研究助理
(Research Assistant)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP1-SOE-056國立成功大學材料科學與工程學系Pin-Hsun Huang黃品勲Improving the Thermoelectric Performance of Bi₂Se₃ Using Electrochemical Intercalation Method碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP1-SOE-068國立臺灣大學Department of ChemistryPradyumna Kumar Chand錢德Ionic Conductivity in High K S-Se Alloy- Advancements in Neuromorphic Computing博士生
(PhD Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP1-SOE-069國立臺灣大學PhysicsYu-Hsuan Lu盧鈺軒First-Principles Study on Electron Mobilities in Bi₂O₂X (X=Se, Te)碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP1-SOE-083國立陽明交通大學電子物理所Wei-Chen Tseng曾偉宸Thermal Conductivity Measurements on Two-dimensional Materials by Raman Spectroscopy碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP1-SOE-108國立台北科技大學光電工程系BO-HAO LIU劉泊灝Random lasing from Donor-Acceptor-Donor organic dyes filled capillary fiber碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP1-SOE-115國立清華大學Materials Science and EngineeringTzu-Pu Hung洪子普Fast-Response Photodetector Based on Bismuth Oxyselenide碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP1-SOE-118國立臺灣海洋大學Department of Optoelectronics and Materials TechnologyDenice Feria菲莉亞Enhancing the optoelectronic properties of metal-organic framework (MOF) films via nontoxic bio-based substances (egg white)博士後研究員
(Postdoctoral Fellow)


Paper Title
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics,Gravity and CosmologyP2-AG-020國立清華大學Institute of AstronomyHsin-Pei Chen陳昕霈Type Ia Supernova Progenitors and Surviving Companions within the Symbiotic Channel研究助理
(Research Assistant)
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics,Gravity and CosmologyP2-AG-071國立中央大學PhysicsAloysius Niko黃尼哥Study of Bulk Deformation of Advanced LIGO End Test Mass Under Photon Calibrator Beam and Main Interferometer Beam Misalignment Case 研究助理
(Research Assistant)
AG-天文/重力/宇宙學 Astrophysics,Gravity and CosmologyP2-AG-073國立成功大學物理學系Yi-De Lee李奕德Gravitational wave denoising using deep learning in time-frequency representation大學生(Undergraduate)/大專院校三年級(含)以上(Junior or Senior)
AM-原子/分子 Atomic and Molecular PhysicsP1-AM-008國立成功大學物理所Jiun-Shiuan Shiu許濬璿Highly Correlated Ultrabright Biphotons via Spontaneous Four-Wave Mixing博士生
(PhD Student)
BPI-生物物理/生物影像技術 Biological Physics and Bio-ImagingP2-BPI-027中國醫藥大學生物醫學影像暨放射科學學系 Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological ScienceWAN-CHI LIAO廖婉淇Asymmetric Reinforcement in Keratinized Composite Beams: Insights from Pigeon Feather Shafts研究助理
(Research Assistant)
EES-新興能源科學 Topical Symposia:Emerging Energy ScienceP2-EES-009國立陽明交通大學Department of ElectrophysicsNga Ta Thi Thuy謝氏翠娥In-situ X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic Studies of Copper Single-Atom Incorporated on Cerium Dioxide Nanorods for Electrocatalytic Urea Synthesis博士生
(PhD Student)
PF-粒子與場 Particles and FieldsP1-PF-007國立中央大學物理所Yu-Hsuan Chou周禹璇Search for H → Zγ channel with LHC Run-2 data at CMS碩士生
(Master Student)
PP-電漿物理 Plasma PhysicsP2-PP-015國立成功大學Institute of Space and Plasma ScienceYi-Zuo Pan潘奕佐Study of the magnetic pressure-driven flyer plates in different pressure碩士生
(Master Student)
QI-量子資訊與量子計算 Quantum Information and Quantum ComputingP1-QI-022國立清華大學PhysicsChien-Chun Ting丁建鈞Fabrication of superconducting fluxonium artificial atom on sapphire substrate博士生
(PhD Student)
SM-軟物質/統計力學 Soft Matter and Statistical MechanicsP1-SM-009國立中正大學物理學系Jyun-Chen Shih施俊臣Study of sound speed in colloidal liquid changed by external magnetic field博士生
(PhD Student)


Paper Title
AI-加速器/儀器發展 Accelerator Physics/ Instrumentation DevelopmentP2-AI-004國立清華大學核子工程與科學研究所Yu-Pon Chen陳聿邦Analysis of a Newly Developed Potential Production Route for Cu-67 at a 70MeV Cyclotron Using Talys碩士生
(Master Student)
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin PhysicsP2-MSP-024國立中央大學PhysicsTai-Sheng Huang黃岱陞Spin-wave Induced Oscillatory Domain Wall Motion in a Magnetic Nanostrip碩士生
(Master Student)
MSP-磁性與自旋物理 Magnetism/Spin PhysicsP2-MSP-025國立臺灣師範大學PhysicsPo-Wei Chen陳柏維Hydrogen-induced Changes in Electronic Structure and Magnetism of Fe-Pd Alloy Thin Films碩士生
(Master Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP1-OP-012國立陽明交通大學電子物理學系Xin-Yun Chang張馨云Helicity-dependent Terahertz Emission Spectroscopy of Topological Material EuCd2As2 Single Crystals碩士生
(Master Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP1-OP-026國立成功大學Department of PhotonicsYa-Hsin Hsiao蕭雅馨Disrupting Optical Symmetry at Exceptional Points with Quantum Topological Metasurfaces碩士生
(Master Student)
OP-光學 Optics and PhotonicsP1-OP-043國立陽明交通大學Institute of BiophotonicsChia-Hsien Lin林佳嫻Monolithic diffusion-bonded Passively Q-switched Nd:YAG laser for Optoacoustic Temperature Measurement.碩士生
(Master Student)
SC-超導/強關聯/量子材料 Superconductivity/Strongly Correlated Systems/Quantum MaterialsP1-SC-022國立臺灣大學PhysicsPi-Ju Shih時丕儒Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations and metal-insulator transition in ZrTe5碩士生
(Master Student)
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional PhysicsP2-SL-066國立清華大學材料科學工程學系Jen-Hua Chang張人驊Growing Ag and Cu Nanocrystal on Muscovite碩士生
(Master Student)
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional PhysicsP2-SL-069國立成功大學PhysicsShih-Cheng Wei魏士程Domain structures and the voltage switching behaviors in 3R-MoS2 studied by scanning probe microscopy碩士生
(Master Student)
SL-表面與低維物理 Surface Science and Low-Dimensional PhysicsP2-SL-078國立陽明交通大學MSEYen Cheng Chiu邱彥承Enabling low coercive voltage in Hf0.5Zr0.5O2/BaTiO3 heterostructure via double ferroelectric coupling 碩士生
(Master Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP1-SOE-009國立臺灣大學PhysicsRedhwan Moqbel銳萬Strong Optical Second Harmonic Generation from Large Flakes of SnS Few layers with Ferroelectric Stacking博士生
(PhD Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP1-SOE-026國立臺灣大學凝態科學研究中心Bo-Yi Chen陳博義Coherent thermal absorption in coupled localized plasmon resonance博士生
(PhD Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP1-SOE-075國立臺灣大學物理系Tai Ting Lee李岱庭Structural and Electronic Properties of Native High-κ Oxide Bi₂SeO₅博士生
(PhD Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP1-SOE-084國立中山大學PhysicsKuan Ju Zhou周冠儒Utilizing Zn-rich IGZO as Charge Storage Layer to Achieve Optical Memory Applications博士生
(PhD Student)
SOE-半導體/光電 Semiconductors/OptoelectronicsP1-SOE-092國立清華大學Department of Engineering and System ScienceBhartendu Papnai巴登杜Graphene-Enabled Practical Molecular Electronics—Charge Transport in Junctions Between Molecules and 2D Materials博士生
(PhD Student)